Parsippany, New Jersey Speed Traps
Mountain Way (between Meadow Bluff and Powder Mill Roads)
The fuzz likes to hang out in Mountain Way Park, which is in the wooded area along Mountain Way between Meadow Bluff and Powder Mill Roads. The speed limit is 25, and he does give a little leeway. However, many people drive 35 or 40. Slow down!!!
Route 53 just south of Park Road
The cops will hide in the driveway of a this property being developed, just south of Park Road (next to the Verde restaurant). You cannot see them from either direction until you pass the driveway. The speed limit is 40. Also note that when heading southbound, a lot of people tend to drive partially in the shoulder due to the curve in the road. Watch out!
On Littleton Road/202 Cerbo’s parking lot
Cop sits in driveway of Cerbo’s Nursery waiting.
North Beverwyck Rd., Lake Hiawatha (Parsippany)
The speed limit on the northbound side of Beverwyck changes from 35 to 25 as you cross into the Lake Hiawatha section of Parsippany. You’re on a downhill stretch there, and the speed-limit sign isn’t all that visible.
I’ve seen police cars parked in the FoodTown lot, or across the street, up in the back of the Valentino’s Pizza lot, facing the northbound traffic and working radar. IIRC, one was using laser one time. (Yes, I have a detector.)
This seems to be more of a sporadic thing; I’ve only noticed them a few times this year (2010).