Albuquerque, New Mexico Speed Traps
Gibson Blvd between Truman St and Carlisle Blvd outside Kirtland AFB
New Redflex low power speed cam (K band – sweeps from 23.950Ghz to 24.085Ghz) mounted on pole in center meridian rear facing each lane to grab rear license plates. Also be aware this speed cam is surrounded by trees so it’s hard to see. Some radar detectors may not even sweep this lower frequency band below 24.050. So it may not alert every time. Only new high end detectors will detect the full range of frequencies and can detect with enough advance warning.
Montaño Rd and Coors Blvd
Speed trap from Montaño Road before Coors Blvd
Unser and Bogart 87120
Three policeman on motorcycles monitoring traffic.
4th st half mile before alameda(528)
At night sheriff likes to sit on housing area and switchs spots from time to time. The cop uses low K band freq. 24.124 or so, then turns the radar gun full blast of k band 33.4 . He is in unmarked white suv. Please beware.
Louisiana Blvd between Central Ave and Lomas Blvd (Fairgrounds)
They’ve slapped 25 mph signs over the 35 mph. There’s nothing telling you it’s lower.