Ithaca, New York Speed Traps
Corner of Warren Road and Cherry Rd
This is just north of the county sheriff office and a patrol car is often parked in the empty lot in this corner and checking speed of cars driving on Warren Road. I appreciate this effort because I ride a bicycle and drivers often do not respect our presence on the road. There is a curve on Warren Road and many drivers are so incompetent or careless that they cannot stay between the lane lines.
Rt 79 E State St coming into the City/down to Mitchell St
The city is really starting to crack down on drivers speeding into the start of the 30zone and down the hill. Truckers watch yourself, don’t let ’em getcha!
In the Hamlet of Varna on Rt 366
Both Tompkins County Sheriff and State Troopers anywhere within the 30mph zone in Varna. Most popular places are in the laundromat parking lot, either of the car repair shops and right at the bottom of the hill coming out of Cornell.
Route 79
From Ithaca City Line To Richford New York. State Police are on this Route at anytime of day. Tompkins County Sheriffs Dept Patrol this Route To The County Line. Most of the Time The Sheriffs Dept Sets Just outside of Slaterville Springs. The Trash Haulers From New Jersey Run This Route. So they speed alot . Hope You are Not the one Busted.
New York-13 Entering Ithaca by the curve at Purity Ice Cream
They hang out just around the curve in front of the gas station with hand-held guns and nail people who don’t slow from 45 to 30.