Marion, North Carolina Speed Traps
Business 221 near McDowell High School Road
This is very dark spot north of town. The 45 mph speed limit sign north of the overpass was leaned to the right and somewhat obscured. It also is at the bottom of a fairly steep hill so the limits go from 55 mph to 50 and then to 45 mph in less than 1/2 mile. The police were set up on the over pass that is around 75 feet north of the 45 mph sign.
Henderson Street
Downhill 35 mph zone changes to 45 mph zone at bottom of a long hill. Too easy to exceed posted speed going downhill. Stretch of road is located adjacent to McDowell County Hospital.
Highway 221 between I-40 to Linville Falls
Avoid speeding anywhere along Highway 221 from I-40 to Linville Falls. Cops are sneaky and will hide out of sight upon side roads.
226 221 Bypass around Marion
Every Sunday AM just about time to catch little old ladies on the way to church 9-11. 55mph posted. 60 will get you a ticket.
Main Street
Posted at 20mph 25 will get you a ticket in this not so friendly town that considers a large local business to be their traffic court. Cops sit in their own parking lot with radar guns and in public parking lot monitiirng speed and lights.