Truro, Nova Scotia Speed Traps

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Hwy 102 north bound Exit 113

Truro, Nova ScotiaMay 04, 20151 Comments

From Exit 113 on Hwy 102 until the Hwy turns into Hwy 104 (the Transcanada) there is a speed change from 110 km/h posted down to 100 km/h. At exit 113 traveling northbound, the cops grab people just as you pass the speed change (within 200 m). There is an overpass where the Officer uses the radar on traffic traveling northbound.
Be Careful!

Young Street Truro

Truro, Nova ScotiaNov 18, 20100 Comments

they sit at the bus entrance to Truro Junior High and catch you coming from either direction . Remember speeding in a school zone doubles you fine

Queen Street at Barrett Lane

Truro, Nova ScotiaNov 18, 20100 Comments

police car sites here on a daily basis. he is usually tucked in behind a small hill that is someones lawn. you wont see him till you are passing him. wam your nailed

Colchester Legion Stadium (Truro Rink)

Truro, Nova ScotiaSep 23, 20100 Comments

when your coming towards the truro rink from either direction they sit there, usually around 3 when school gets out and mornings and lunchs

Colchester County, Millbrook, Truro

Truro, Nova ScotiaSep 02, 20102 Comments

The best way to avoid the police speed trap is don’t speed! RCMP 🙂

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