Glenwillow, Ohio Speed Traps
Pettibone Road near Cochran Road
Glenwillow is a very small village with only two main roads running through it. The posted speed is 35MPH on most of Pettibone Road and Cochran Road and 25MPH on Pettibone Road right in front of the police station. For the size of the village and only two or three police cruisers, I know a large number of people who have received tickets for going less than 7 miles over the speed limit. If entering the village, be very aware of the speed limit signs and make sure you heed the 25MPH speed limit between Austin Powder Drive and Cochran Road.
Pettibone Road near Bond Street
They sit off of Pettibone road in the old businesses! Slow it down or they will catch you….
Intersection of Pettibone & Cochran Rd’s
Police will constantly sit in business parking lots using radar. The town is a small municipality that relies heavily on traffic ticket revenue. If you fight a ticket you have to go in front of their mayor and the chances are you will lose.