Arcadia, Oklahoma Speed Traps
State Highway 66 near Westminister to Anderson Road
Just one mile over posted speed limit can result in a ticket
US Highway 66
Got a ticket for 1 mph over the limit. I told the officer that 1 mph was below radar’s margin of error & I would fight the ticket. He confidently said that I would lose (I did). 1 mph tickets are not a safety issue & are for the sole purpose of generating revenues. I now drive 10 mph below the limit there (I am a rolling traffic jam) and refuse to patronize any business in this tiny town.
US Highway 66 near Main Street
Arcadia is known for being very strict in the speeds of vehicles traveling on Rt.66 through town. Speed drops from 55 to 45 and you will get a pulled over if going above 45.
US Highway 66
I live near Arcadia and go through the town several times each week. There are 13 cops in this one square mile town. They are definately dirty. A friend of mine was stopped with a tag that had been expired for a few days. He had purchased the new tag/sticker and it was in his truck, but he had not yet put it on. The cop was going to tow his vehicle anyway. It was about two minutes from the time he was stopped until the wrecker arrived (can you say sham). He protested and was able to get out of the ticket for all the money he had on him – about $80 cash (can you say shake down). The cops in this town were recently the subject of a Daily Oklahoman article due to their tactics. The OSBI or FBI should do some kind of an undercover investigation on these crooks.
State Route 66
the whole town [small town] is trouble. will even give another cop [different town ] a ticket for as little as 2mph over speed limit, but the town has an old round barn worth stopping for. historic site. arcadia oklahoma.