Claremore, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Hwy 20 (E. Will Rogers Blvd.) East of Turnpike Gate & Will Rogers Casino

Claremore, OklahomaFeb 16, 20101 Comments

This area is a true speed trap and troopers show no mercy for speeders on this stretch. Especially where the limit increases to 55 mph & you think you’re out of town and free to really go 65 or 70 – Don’t Speed, they Will stop you & write you a ticket! I live near Justus School and drive this road a lot, see troopers pulling people over here all the time!

all streets Street near throughout the city Street

Claremore, OklahomaApr 27, 20082 Comments

If you are "tagged" by Claremore Police, going about your day, they will follow you everywhere you go. They put their signals on going the opposite way you are going and then continue to follow you until you reach the town limits. If you are not calm and cool and pretend they are not there, they will stop you for a routine call on something wierd or ask you if you know how fast you were going or if you turned your signal on that last turn! I have been asked twice why I have a certain plate on my car( my husband is a very white Native American), for having "nice wheels" and where I am from( I have dark skin and can look like many differnet types of ethnicities. Drive with caution through Claremore and stay calm.

State Route 20 near Interstate 44 Toll Road

Claremore, OklahomaAug 05, 20070 Comments

Off of 1-44, exit claremore/Pryer – Rt 20 towards Pryer, Strick Law enforecment at all times of the day

Southhaven Road just west of town

Claremore, OklahomaFeb 04, 20030 Comments

City Police hide in driveways and at the bottom of hills. Speed limit is 35 with just cow pastures and hay bales on either side of the road. It was the first time I’d EVER been on the road, having just moved to Claremore 3 days before and was unfamiliar with the road and the speed limit. They know people on their way to work use SouthHaven road as a shortcut to avoid the stoplights and all the trains. The cop didn’t tell me, AS HE SHOULD HAVE! that I couldn’t pay my fine with a personal check. I dropped off my check before city hall opened, and because I’d left a check and not cold, hard cash, a BENCH WARRANT was issued for my arrest and an extra $10 bucks was added! City hall people were hateful on the phone. Thanks – what a nice welcome to Claremore!

Hwy 66

Claremore, OklahomaOct 01, 20010 Comments

On Hwy 66 just before the stop light on the corner of Hwy 66 & country club road. They hide just in front of wal-mart in the center median where you can’t see them until it’s to late.

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