Ponca City, Oklahoma Speed Traps

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Union and Liberty

Ponca City, OklahomaJul 09, 20100 Comments

police like to park in the drive of the closed service station and catch speeders coming from the South when they are parked facing South then they turn around and catch speeders coming from the North

Kelley Avenue and City View North of Million Dollar Elm

Ponca City, OklahomaApr 07, 20100 Comments

Its only 30 mph so don’t speed or the OHP will stop you.

Highway 60 in McCord area

Ponca City, OklahomaApr 07, 20100 Comments

I see the highway patrol and osage sheriff stopping people everyday between 14th street and Hunt Road. Make sure you don’t speed and use your blinkers or you will be stopped. They will park next to each other facing both directions in a low spot so no matter which way you are going, they will get you before you know it.

South of South Ave. on 14th Street (Hwy 77)

Ponca City, OklahomaMar 20, 20100 Comments

Going South on 14th for the intersection (new super4) it is 50mph, the motorcycle cop sits at Edwards St. behind tree. There is a curve and cant see him until it is too late.

South Avenue near South Avenue

Ponca City, OklahomaSep 17, 20080 Comments

I’ve noticed in the past, but not recently, because I don’t take that route to work anymore, that officers like to sit in the parking area southeast of the South Ave underpass. As you’re coming from the west, heading east, there is noway to see these patrolman heading out of the underpass, and I believe the speed limit is 35 mph till you hit the underpass which is 25, but don’t hold me to that, like I said, I don’t take that route, and its been awhile.

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