Markham, Ontario Speed Traps

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Old kennedy Road.

Markham, OntarioMar 21, 20030 Comments

on a sunny day slow down on that road. they’ll hide behind some bushes. you cannot see them in a distance until u get closer and see the cruiser and that’s when it’s too late!

John Street between Bayview and Lesile

Markham, OntarioJun 25, 20020 Comments

Police setup trapping east bound on John. Hides in the valley past the fire station on the right behind bushes. Impossible to see until too late. Speed limit is 50km/h and it’s downhill. Will catch you before you can get to Lesile

Hwy 407 East of 404

Markham, OntarioMar 01, 20010 Comments

The officer hides on the right side of the road just past the overpass.

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