Milton, Ontario Speed Traps
5100 Halton Regional Rd southbound
Past the drainage bridge, (concrete then guardrail barrier just past the red farmhouse there is a farmer’s gravel path hidden by two large trees. observed 2 offices doing what appears to be checking only on Tues Jul 7th 8:30AM, gone when returned at 9:15 or so.
5098 Halton Regional Rd 225098 Halton Regional Rd
Southbound just after the drainage bridge concrete barrier there is a farmers gravel path. It is shielded from view by a couple of large trees. Two police officers were observed at 8:30 AM and were gone when I returned at 9:15 or so.
Thompson and Yates, Thompson and Clark
before the yates intersection, there are houses parallel to thompson, cops are parked there with all lights off next to bushes and trees. anyone going faster than the posted 60km/h is bound to be pulled over. Same situation applied to the houses between yates and clark. Usually parked at night, ive seen cops there even during the day
Intersection of Parkway Dr. @ #406 and Ontario St @ #281
Handheld lidar unit pointed at southbound traffic limit is 50 kph and backyard fences, trees and shrubbery obscure view ob Parkway Drive as it intersects with Ontario at around 281