Orangeville, Ontario Speed Traps

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Town line at Cedar Drive

Orangeville, OntarioAug 29, 20120 Comments

50 kph zone. They sit on Cedar Drive and get you going both ways on Town Line

C Line just north of Centennial Road

Orangeville, OntarioAug 29, 20120 Comments

They park a blue unmarked car at the factory north of Centennial. It is a 50 kph zone and they get you coming south on C Line

Broadway East of Diane Drive

Orangeville, OntarioAug 29, 20120 Comments

They sit in the car dealership lot. Broadway changes from an 80 kph zone to a 60 kph zone then drops to 50 kph. They also can get you at the stop sign on Diane Drive from this location.

Amelia Street south of Hansen Boulevard

Orangeville, OntarioAug 29, 20120 Comments

They sit st Victor Large Way and catch you coming north on Amelia Street. It is a 50 kph zone, but most people do 70.

Blind Line N of Hansen Blvd

Orangeville, OntarioMar 01, 20120 Comments

Parked in the school parking lot waiting for visitors to town not willing to slow down to 40 km/h coming over the hill

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