Beaverton, Oregon Speed Traps

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Cornell road at Sunset High School

Beaverton, OregonJun 05, 20030 Comments

Just before you get to Sunset High School when heading east on Cornell, a white van will set just past the 30mph speed limit sign on the right. It is also downhill just before you get there so if you don’t get on your breaks you will be speeding (it is 45 before this zone). I avoided a ticket but the guy in front of me was not so lucky.

155th st. Both N and S of Hart Rd.

Beaverton, OregonJun 04, 20030 Comments

Photo radar by Sexton Mountain school. Limit is school zone here and speed bumps slow you down. South of the school road opens up and I have seen some occasional traps at this point up until Beard rd. North of Hart rd, cops sit in entrance to new housing development. It’s very easy to speed here as you are rolling down the hill to the Hart rd stop sign (soon to be light) and they get you as you are going around the curve down the hill

Top of Weir Rd. at Kemmer

Beaverton, OregonJun 02, 20030 Comments

Usually a motorcyle patrol and usually at evening rush, but can be present at anytime, including weekends. Have seen patrol on one end of this strip and the other (1/4 mile length) at the same time. Residential area. Speed limit is 25 mph. Patroled by Washington County.

Weir Rd. between 148th and Murray

Beaverton, OregonJun 02, 20030 Comments

Motorcycle patrol on south side of Weir. Hides in bushes. Can look for traffic either way. Directly across the street from Southwest Bible College (Church).

Hall or Watson

Beaverton, OregonMay 05, 20030 Comments

Photo radar van just sits most of the day on either Hall or Watson, where they are split, to catch us going over 25 MPH on a fairly busy/main road.

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