State College, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Easterly Parkway and Pugh Street

State College, PennsylvaniaJan 20, 20111 Comments

Cops sometimes sit in the back parking lot of the Easterly Parkway Elementary School (where the buses sit for school drop-off). Usually behind the bushes or back far enough that you can’t see them until you pass them.

Waupelani Dr.

State College, PennsylvaniaJul 05, 20100 Comments

Officer sits in parking lot of apartment building on corner of Waupelani Dr. and O’Bryan Lane. Speed limit is 25 mph, but most people go 30-35 mph because it is the standard for most roads in that area.

Behind Northland Center

State College, PennsylvaniaJun 07, 20101 Comments

Cruiser sits behind the pine tree line thinking that you can’t see then aiming towards the Re/Max Building.

New speed lines

State College, PennsylvaniaJun 07, 20101 Comments

Business 322/N. Atherton St. west bound the the intersection with W. Mitchell Ave.

Possible that the cops is sitting on W. Mitchell or anywhere on any side street.

Behind Northland center

State College, PennsylvaniaJun 07, 20101 Comments

Sits behing the pine trees where they think no one can see then and aims the Vascar/ESP unit towards the Re/Max Building. Easy to spot across from the enterance to Park Crest Terrace Apartment complex.

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