State College, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Minute Man Rd & Fox Hill Rd
Locals sit on Minute Man Rd and time cars passing. Speed limit on the section was recently reduced to 45 from 55. Cops have been running this trap frequently since the speed reduction in late Oct 2009.
Fox Hill Rd & Black Bear Ln
Local sits backed into either private drive or the access road to the new housing development. Detectable by the orange VASCAR cones.
Fox Hollow Rd
Local sits backed in to a dirt access road. You can tell he is there by the orange VASCAR cones set up across the street from his location. They run this spot several times a month.
W Aaron Dr & Martin St
Martin St from Blue Course Dr. to Aaron Dr. Local sits either in Weis parking lot to get ya. Or a sneak one sits in the middle of Martin St. and pretends to be broken down and doing paper work then get’s you after you pass.
Park Crest Ln.
Local sitsin the parking lot to the aution barn and if your not at 25 then it’s to late to hit the brakes.