State College, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Rte 45/26 Pine Grove Road
Cops hit this 25 mph zone through Pine Grove Mills quite often. Word to the wise: Don’t speed there! (I believe it’s usually the VASCAR method, but could be others.)
Whitehall Road (Construction zone at night)
I was ticketed travelling eastbound at night in the 30 mph construction zone stretching from College Ave to Waupelani. It’s very unnatural to go that that slow on what is a very nice new strait road, without active construction around you to remind you of the reduced limit. I was pulled over and ticketed even after I had slowed significantly for at least a half a mile after the zone becomes more apparent. You won’t get double points for speeding in an inactive construction zone, but it’s very easy to go in the 40-50 here without much of a thought.
University Drive ramps to College Ave
Traveling east on College Ave away from downtown State College, traveling under University drive is 35 MPH. At the crest of a small hill is a ramp that leads traffic east towards the mall. There is a 45 MPH change just before going downhill towards Porter Rd. Police specifically time cars speeding up for the increase in the speed limit.
Also: SC Police commonly looking for DUIs in this area at night.
Koch Funeral Home (Near Meyer’s Dairy)
Officer sits behind the funeral home sign. He is looking to pull you over because it’s only 35 there. I see him there at least 2-3 times a week. He caught me once!
University Drive and Bellaire Ave
Police sit back in the parking lot of the old Unimart on Bellaire Ave across from the car wash and monitor the traffic on University Ave. They are hidden by the Snappys for traffic heading towards Westerly Parkway and they are hidden by the Sunoco Gas station for traffic that is heading onto campus.