State College, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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US Highway 322 near Koch Funeral Home

State College, PennsylvaniaApr 13, 20060 Comments

any day and any time

Blue Course Drive near College Avenue

State College, PennsylvaniaSep 09, 20050 Comments

Officer is parked near the cornfield at the top of the hill, in an unfinished road bed, just before the intersection with route 26 (college avenue)

Easterly Parkway near Near Pugh Street

State College, PennsylvaniaAug 17, 20050 Comments

VASCAR lines start near the Easterly Parkway Elementary School and the Geisinger Clinic and run towards Pugh St. The officer was sitting in an unmarked car in the church parking lot about a block from the school.

College Avenue near Sparks Street

State College, PennsylvaniaMay 20, 20050 Comments

Unmarked car sits in a gravel driveway 1/2 block past Sparks Street on the left or on a side street on the right.

West Branch Road near South/East of Spring Creek Bridge

State College, PennsylvaniaMay 19, 20050 Comments

Between the 322 overpass and the light in Lemont, usually right at the curve just before the light. Cop is well hidden on the side street. Limit is only 25 most people do at least 30, 35 is probably average.

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