Spring Hill, Tennessee Speed Traps
Wade’s Crossing and Buckner (Wade’s Grove Subdivision)
The “officers” ticket residents on Wade’s Crossing in the morning and evening (to and from work). This is a long stretch of road which is the entrance to Wade’s Grove but there are no houses on it. The speed limit is 20 mph but there is only one sign so you might not see it until it is too late. They have been here patrolling constantly since 2008. This road is a big money maker for the City.
New Port Royal Road
This is a wide street with side walks and yet it has a speed limit of 20 mph. Police park in cul de sacs and make their quotas.
Campbell Station Blvd
Police car like to park next to the swimming pool. This is a wide boulevard with side walks and yet the speed limit is 20 mph. Have cars ride your bumper because you are trying to keep it under 25 as you coast down hill on your breaks.
Intersatate 65 between Thompson Station and mm49
The city is annexing this non-city area to allow them to sit on Interstate 65 and target tourist passing through to counter their overextended budget on poor planning.
Beechcroft Rd & Rail Road
I have yet to be tagged yet, but cops very often like hiding behind some shrubbery off the road to tag people in the 30MPH zone just before (east) of the railroad tracks (which is a 25MPH zone). They have recently tucked themselves a little further back so it makes it harder to see them there.
Also, they will park themselves just past the railroad tracks (west) in the subdivision on the north side of Beechcroft Rd. Which would still be a 30MPH zone.