Hubbard, Texas Speed Traps
Hubbard texas
Disgusting! Witnessed Hubbard Police a good quarter mile outside city limit running radar sitting in the parking area for a small ball field. Its in the county, not the town! They say they just file the complaint with the JP! What a crock! Id avoid this town if at all possible! They still get part of the money from the fine!
Anywhere in Hubbard
At the city limit sign on Hwy 171 going south. The school parking lot on Hwy 31going into or out of town. Unprofessional, untrained town police enforce anything to provide money for the town. The city manager is also the judge, so you have NO chance at getting a fair shake and disputing the lies of the police here. STAY OUT OF HUBBARD IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!
Hubbard, Texas
Anywhere in this town of 1400 people, especially at the city limit signs. Avoid the town of Hubbard if at all possible!!!! It will be worth the time of going around it than having to take any chances inside it!
City of Hubbard, Texas
If you challenge your ticket in court, your judge will be the city manager. This is a serious conflict where you would have a good appeal.
Southern City limit sign on 171
Sit under their favorite shade tree at the city limit sign. They use the fine money to prop up the city budget, which is illegal to do. Poorly trained and unprofessional people. 2 full time police… one is a 4 star chief… anyone else working there are gypsy police for $13.00 per hour.