North Richland Hills, Texas Speed Traps
Holiday Lane and Meadow Park Blvd
Motorcycle cops hide in side streets (usually Meadow Park Blvd) to catch speeders in the school zone near Richland High School
5000 Strummer Dr
Motorcycle Officer #511. He is hiding behind a tall hedge that hides the motorcycle completely. You don’t see him because of that. This is an entrance to a public parking lot. His excuse that the residents see to much speeding. I go through there weekly for over a year now and never have I seen him there. This sounds like a new year Jumpstart on quotas! This siting was around 2:30 central time.
Southbound 5500 block Davis Blvd. (FM 1938)
NRH Motorcycle Police, usually in pairs, use a red brick wall about 4 ft high at the entrance of the Holiday Heights Apartments to hide. There is a large oak tree that adds to their concealment. Speed is posted @ 40 MPH. The entire street is also lined with Photo Enforcement Red Light cameras, on north & southbound, all the way to 820 Loop.
At davis and college cir.
NRH cop hides behind fence directly across from Callaway automotive in old bank parking lot giving tickets to southbound traffic.
Speed limit is 30 mph. I was doing 40 mph which it should be. While I was pulled over the police officer pulled over another driver right after me. The city makes so much money on this road. 100+ dollars later, insurance will go through roof. Yes, I know I was speeding….haven’t gotten a ticket in 15 years……