Centerville, Utah Speed Traps
Legacy Parkway State Route 67, SR-67 11.5-mile-long Davice
Centerville Police ticket for any speeding over the posted speed limit. this is not I-15.
The speed limit is just 55 mph
They know that if your not paying attention that you’re going to think its a freeway and go over 60 mph.
Mile post #7 Southbound, Bangerter Highway.
After you enter Bagerter from South I-15 there are o posted sp[eed limit signs for 7 miles. It is easy to assume that you have left one freeway and entered another because the roads appear to be a interstate. After 7 miles you pass a cop, the a 55 mjile per hour sign.
I-15 in the Centerville to Farmington area
There is a female Sgt with the Highway Patrol that is searching for any reason to pull you over. Don’t signal long enough you are pulled over or any other excuse she can use. She is really looking for DUI’s and drugs. This has won her accolades and got her promoted to her current rank. She is very well know in the courts and with the local lawyers. She always uses her dashboard camera, so if you believe you are innocent, hire a lawyer and request the tapes. She has lost in court because her report doesn’t match the video. She will embelish to get the ticket or arrest.
Frontage Road near McDonalds Parking Lot
There are two speed traps on the Frontage road inbetween Parrish Lane and Farmington. At numerous times there is a patrolman who likes to hide in the McDonalds parking lot to get anyone going faster than 30mph since it drops from 50 to 35. The other trap is in the dark west parking lot of the baseball park a little ways down from McDonalds. A patrolman often parks there at night.
Parrish Lane near Centerville Elementary School
Centerville Police love to park in the Centerville Elementary parking lot facing east to get people going up and down Parrish lane between Main street and 400 East. It’s easy to lose track of how fast you are going coming down the hill, so be careful. Speed Limit is 25 MPH, although the street is fairly wide and busy.