Saint George, Utah Speed Traps
Valley View Drive between Dixie and Sunset
Two school zones with motorcycle cops posted at each crossing.
Brigham Road from River Road to I-15 Interchange
Officers hide in the church or school parking lots. Also watch out for the state gas pumps just east of Flying J. There is often a patrol car parked there. The speed limit changes often from multi lane speeds to residential speeds.
15 Fwy
Highway Patrol runs Instant On KA Band radar on the 15 frwy through St George on the slight downhill sections and constructions zones just before you get to Arizona. Radar is used a LOT in this area….especially at night.
Interstate 15, between mileposts 1-16 (Wahington County)
Utah Highway Patrol has two new motorcycle officers assigned to work this area. Watchout they don’t give motorists any breaks and have been very, very busy. The speed limit is 65 in some areas and you can get caught thinking its 75 mph.
Interstate 15 near UT State Line
Motorcycle officer on left side of I15 northbound. It’s a construction zone, but no speed limit is posted until about one mile into UT. The transition from 75 mph in AZ to 60 mph is confusing, as the speed limit sign is so far into UT that you don’t know what speed to drop down to.