Wilmington, Vermont Speed Traps
N Main Street (rt 100 north)
The speed limit changes frequently along this road and police wait pretty much right at where it does. By the time you notice the sign and slow down, your over. Officer wrote me a $175 ticket in an area limit changes abruptly from 40 to 25 mph.
Route 100 North aprox 1/2 mile north of intersection with rt
Local patrol cars nestle in behind trees and bushes on the south side of Rt 100 just after the curve leading into town and shoot radar north and south. This "friendly" town garners substantial income off its visitors.
Quarter Mile East of Rt 9 / Rt 100 Intersection
Drops from 40 to 25. Squad car hidden and suspected it was sitting in/around Sunoco Gas Station. $100 first 10 miles and $10 for each mile over plus PTS. Several speed changes throughout area upto Mount Snow, about 7 or 8 speed limit changes within 5 mile span.
Intersection of Routes 9 & 100
Speed limit is posted at 25mph. Go 26mph and you will get a ticket. This town has no other source of income – beware.
Route 9 west of town center.
Patrol cars regularly park in entry to Deerfield Valley Supply shooting radar westerly to vehicles going east on Route 9. Town derives a substantial income from its out of state visitors. Other locations posted on this site are still regularly utilized by Wilmington police.