Wytheville, Virginia Speed Traps

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I- 81 & W Ridge Rd

Wytheville, VirginiaJun 23, 20090 Comments

The whole county of Wytheville is a speed trap. Units hiding everywhere unmarked white impalas, and crown Vic’s. Virginia sucks big time as a speedtrap anyway but this area is ridiculous. Radar detectors illegal, and the state Interstate speed limit is only 65 miles per hour, and they got signs everywhere speed checked by aircraft". Virginia will be avoided by me and I won’t spend a dime in that useless state!"

Interstate 77 near Exit Number Wytheville/To Tunnel

Wytheville, VirginiaMar 05, 20080 Comments

Both sides of I-77, just north of Wytheville Exit – county deputies are here about every day busting all kids of folks who just came through second tunnel (Big Walker Tunnel) or heading toward the tunnel if north bound.

(Wytheville – Wythe County)


Interstate 77 near Mile Marker 28.5 near I-77 & I-81 interchange

Wytheville, VirginiaSep 10, 20071 Comments

Mile marker 28.5 is big trap at the bottom of a hill. Sheriff’s Dept. and troopers sit and write tickets all day. I personally was written a ticket for 83 in a 65, but the six (yes, 6) cars in front of me were not pulled and I was in the right lane, not passing. I asked the officer how fast the other cars were running and he said no one was over 74 but me. Not sure how that happened, since I was not passing and did not run over the top of anyone in front of me. Judge XX is known in the county to dislike speeders. Only a 2 mph reduction in court from him, though he did Waive My Jail Sentence of 10 days that came with my ticket. It was listed as Reckless Driving. Had to appeal to Circuit Court and return to VA to fight ticket 3 times to keep from losing my DL in NC. Slow down whenever you’re in Wythe County!
(Wytheville – Wythe County)


Interstate 81 near Mile Marker 70

Wytheville, VirginiaDec 05, 20060 Comments

I’ve been driving up and down I-81 for quite a while and I always use cruise control to control my speed around 65 mph. Last Thursday, I sped up to pass an 18 wheeler and returned to right lane doing 65 mph. 2 miles later, I got pulled over for speeding. I admit that I did speed, but anyone who’s ever driven along I-81 knows how many trucks out there. Sometimes it’s much safer to pass them (or to let them pass you) than maintain the speed limit. Just a reminder to people who will travel across that region. It’s a notorious speed trap in SW Virginia.

Interstate I-81 near Mile Marker 70

Wytheville, VirginiaDec 27, 20051 Comments

The officer had positioned his patrol car behind an embankment in the median which eliminated any observation of vehicles in motion. The officer totally relied on RADAR to issue tickets. The officer stopped me and another vehicle behind me, how he was able to determine that person’s speed I don’t know, and wrote both of us a ticket. I was in a pack of vehicles but I just happened to be in front in the left lane and my vehicle is bright white with distinguishing characteristics. The reason I feel this is a speed trap is because the patrol car was totally hidden and the officer did not physically observe me speeding.

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