Seattle, Washington Speed Traps

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520 eastbound after Montlake overpass

Seattle, WashingtonJul 11, 20160 Comments

State Patrol camped on side of 520 eastbound direction on Sunday morning before 11am.

Airport Way (South end of Airport)

Seattle, WashingtonMay 08, 20150 Comments

State Patrol speed traps in effect daily on Airport Way adjacent to Boeing Field. Officers are usually on site by 0400 and sit in their cars on the shoulder without any lights on (headlights, running lights, etc.), they usually hang around until 0900-1000.

15th ave W, Queen Anne

Seattle, WashingtonMar 23, 20150 Comments

30mph is being strictly enforced along the corridor. Tickets given out for going as little over as 35 mph. U-haul parking lot is a favorite hiding spot.

4800 airport way n.

Seattle, WashingtonSep 08, 20141 Comments

coming north over bridge after Lucile street, motorcycle cops hide behind bushes on left after bottom of bridge.They barely shut off their bikes before getting someone else.

Alki Water Taxi

Seattle, WashingtonMar 10, 20140 Comments

Every time I take the water taxi, the Bay police make the ship anchor and board, claiming the taxi was speeding. Since we’re on the high seas, they claim maritime law applies and ticket all aboard. This has happened EVERY time I take it!!

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