Greendale, Wisconsin Speed Traps
Broad Street between Northway and Schoolway
There is a plain clothes cop who sits on the corner of Northway and Broad Street pretends to be painting a picture. If you look closely he has a radar gun and a radio. If you are even 5 miles over the speed limit he will radio to other officers who park down the street by the gazebo. I swear this cop is there every time I come through the area. If you approach him he will ignore you. He’s very rude but a hell of a traffic cop and an even better artist.
S. 51st Street to Loomis (Hwy 36)
Speed limit is 30 mph and includes a school zone. Greendale police usually park at the elementary school, or sometimes at the College Park tennis court. The roadway is downhill from east to west and easy to coast over 30 mph. This speed zone is heavily monitored.
76th st between Grange & Rawson
Greendale sits at the bottom of a long hill and issues tickets for 6mph over the limit. A huge revenue generator for their community. And if you are just a little over, not enough to issue a ticket, they will still follow and harass you with bright lights until you are in the next city….100% police harassment.
Grange Ave/Northway
Fact: Two new arches appeared in the Village recently (Both are off of Grange; one is at Northway west and the other is at Northway east). I’ve observed police officers sitting at the top of these arches with a radar gun monitoring eastbound traffic. I was not stopped however I did pull over and watched them for a while to see how they do it. After they lock in the speeder on the radar gun they actually slide down the arch wearing specially made re-enforced cop pants. Then they jump into a turbo Prius police interceptor and pull over the violator. My guess is the revenue they are generating from all these speeding tickets are going to pay for even more of these speed trap arches. Greendale cops don’t play, so stay away and live to speed another day in a jurisdiction far far away.
Cop on a trike, yes they do have a freaking trike got me for speeding. I told him I had to go to the bathroom and he said not my problem. After he spent 20 minutes writing me a ticket I had already soiled myself and he just looked at me like I was some kind of looser. I told him I pay your wages and he said, yes but you will have to pay someone to wash your Levis. I was very upset and left a skid mark (in my shorts) as I left.