Racine, Wisconsin Speed Traps

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Six Mile Road between Hwy. 32 East to Middle Road

Racine, WisconsinMar 24, 20100 Comments

Cops will sit just east or just west of the RR bridge halfway between Hwy 32 and Middle Road. Primarily at “Drive Time” in the evening getting people racing home to sit on the couch and veg out.

Spring street West of Root River

Racine, WisconsinMar 13, 20100 Comments

Lots and lots of cars will occasionally gather just west of Ludke ave in the blocks west of Lutheran High. It is a valley between two steep hills. 3+ and you are revenue.

N Kiwanis Ave & I-90

Racine, WisconsinJan 14, 20093 Comments

Northbound I-90 traffic at Hwy G. One (non-uniformed) deputy on top of overpass with Laser Reader. 6 Racine County Sheriff’s cars (Not visible on other side of overpass) dispached to pull over cars going (probably more than 10 mph) over the 65 mph limit. Like spearing fish in a barrel. Racine county took over enforcement from cash-strapped State Patrol recently.

N Main St & Jonsue Ln

Racine, WisconsinNov 27, 20080 Comments

Wind point cop will get you for anything be very careful in this area. This is right in the edge of their patrol area where the like to sit a lot.

North Greenbay Road near River Bend Nature Trail

Racine, WisconsinNov 08, 20070 Comments

The patrol cars are hidden in the entrance of the Trail facing N. Greenbay Road.

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