Beaver Meadows, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Route 93 South, Beaver Meadows, at Exxon Gas Station

Beaver Meadows, PennsylvaniaNov 21, 20120 Comments

BEWARE- Beaver Meadows at it again- stealing money from the working class Americans, to run their town. 869 people in the town, they write 1,000 speeding fines a year. Police chief has a psychological problem. This year he wrecked the cruiser, by hitting an 18-year old driver in another car. He also was cut from full to part time, and SUED the Beaver Meadows borough- the very people that pay him! Now he’s trying to make it up with more fines- AVOID THIS PLACE, he’ll give you a fine even if you go slower than the speed limit.

Beaver Meadows

Beaver Meadows, PennsylvaniaMay 02, 20104 Comments

The Beaver Meadow Police heavily patrol this area. What people also need to know is that they contact ICE about people they stop whom they think are not in the U.S. legally. ICE recently told the Dept. that they must transport the detaineees to a prison in Scranton – not to those in Carbon or Northampton Counties – and the chief says they will. Don’t speed & bring your U.S. passport, birth certificate or immigration papers in case your tail light’s out.

State Route 93

Beaver Meadows, PennsylvaniaJul 17, 20074 Comments

Drive 35 mph on Route 93 through the small town of Beaver Meadows. They run VASCAR from 3 or 4 different spots in less than a 2 mile area on Route 93 that runs through town. Don’t go over 41 mph or they will cite you. I’m a former Police Officer from the area and they gave me a very hard time after being stopped going 45 mph even after I badged them.

PA Rt. 93 throughout town

Beaver Meadows, PennsylvaniaJul 07, 20031 Comments

Speed limit drops heading north (towards hazleton) on 93 immediately after crossing the bridge into town from 55 to 35, both local and state cops sit in the Texaco parking lot right after the bridge to nab you. Heading south (from hazleton), the speed limit of 35 going downhill is ridiculous, but you can get caught anywhere in town along this stretch, especially at the bottom of the hill, where it curves east. Though the entire town of Beaver Meadows is known among locals of the hazleton area to be a trap, many still end up getting tickets here every day.

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