Anchorage, Alaska Speed Traps
Minnesota Bypass near Raspberry Road
The police will sit on the southbound on ramp, just far enough down so that the southbound traffic cannot see them. It’s a wide open shot for a mile.
State Highway Glenn near Exit Number Fort Richardson
Cops will wait on the on-ramps on both sides of the highway with radars. They are more often on the northbound on-ramp at Fort Richardson. They are most often there during the rush hours, but I have seen them at all hours of the day.
State Highway Seward
Going on the Seward Highway towards Girdwood APD radars at the pull off just past the rifle range on the right side of the road. Usually if they are not there they are a mile down the road on the left side. They are there every morning.
Ingra Road near 15th Street
Between 15th and 4th going North on Ingra there are cops all over pulling people for running the red lights every morning this week (Dec. 14).
KING Street near 76TH Avenue
Where King street "T"’s into 76th Avenue there is a 3 way stop. However, it hasn’t always been a 3 way stop. A police officer (sometimes marked sometimes unmarked) will sit in the strip mall parking lot and watch people make the turn not noting the stop sign and clocking speeders over 30 mph. The boat storage yard next to where the officer parks often has the fact that there is a police officer there posted on its sign.