Anchorage, Alaska Speed Traps
highway turnoff Loop near big sign that says JERRY’S MEAT
By the turnoff there is a policeman hiding behind a fence in a little alley. He is on a motorcycle.
Minnesota Drive near Raspberry Bypass
Unmarked and marked cars (usually a green unmarked Crown Victoria Interceptor) sit above Minnesota on the Raspberry off ramp and run radar on vehicles southbound on Minnesota. They also run radar on the vehicles driving north and relay speeds to a 2nd chase car that stages on Raspberry under the overpass to catch the northbound vehicles.
Minnesota Parkway near 12th Avenue
Before entering downtown on Minnesota, an officer will be waiting on 11th ave. when you come around the corner into a 25mph speedlimit from a 45mph.This is the place I received my only ticket in five years and it was for 21mph over.
Goverment Hill bridge
A motorcycle cop sits off the road by the support post of the bridge, you come out of downtown and want to haul across the bridge they only ticket if you are exceeding traffic flow.
Motorcycle units sit in the grassy area just before the offramp that heads up to West High School. They are kind of hard to spot if your not looking and they sitting to catch the morning rush heading southbound as you come down the hill. The speed limit here is 45 and people (including myself) usually tend to drive 10 to 15 miles over that