Long Beach, California Speed Traps

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1st Street next to USPS before Pacific Ave

Long Beach, CaliforniaJan 28, 20210 Comments

Between 8 AM to 1 PM, usually two cops in motorcycles hideout and wait to catch anyone trying to catch that green light. They are usually only visible once you are right in front of them but by then it’s to late. Speed limit is 40MPH but they usually go after you if you are just going above 3 MPH.

On willow between cherry and redondo

Long Beach, CaliforniaJan 28, 20150 Comments

Signal hill police Tahoe parks along this route pulling over vehicles for speeding and his fave cellphone usage. He parks near cherry next to credit union bank and also next to parking lot on other side where petsmart is located. He also parks on the south side of willow across from long beach tow yard.

East Ocean Blvd between Cherry Ave and Redondo Ave.

Long Beach, CaliforniaAug 25, 20140 Comments

Police in motorcycle waits on the side streets, usually Temple Ave or Orizaba Ave.
Be careful, he can issue tickets at a rate of 8 to 10 an hour, for people going about 5 mph faster than permitted. I have not gotten a ticket yet, but I live in the area in a tall building and can see what’s going on.
In reality, the police officer is the biggest danger in the area, speeding up to 80 mph in one block, siren on and crossing double yellow lines to go against traffic.

Bottom of Vincent Thomas bridge eastbound

Long Beach, CaliforniaApr 06, 20140 Comments

Driving eastward from Pedro to Long Beach, at the end of the bridge the speed limit changes abruptly. If you don’t know this and can’t make adjustments quickly enough, a mean tempered cop who hides in the bushes on the right side will stop you and run up to your window demanding if you know just how fast you were going.

PCH (SR-1) between Redondo Ave & Traffic Circle

Long Beach, CaliforniaMar 27, 20130 Comments

Motorcycle cops hide on the side streets along Pacific Coast Highway between Redondo Ave & the Traffic Circle (Roundabout). Mostly I have seen them on Grand or Termino, but occasionally they have been in the various parking lots along this State Highway too. They like to get you just as you reach the top of the hill & start going downhill. The posted speed limit is 35 mph, even though there is NO school, NO senior center, and it’s not a residential area either. You have to seriously ride your brakes pretty hard to get your car down to 35 mph on this 6-lane highway (3 in each direction) and I am positive the traffic & engineering survey cannot justify such an artificially low speed limit.

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