Napa, California Speed Traps
Browns Valley Road near Browns Valley Market
Cop is usually parked on a side street on the North side of Browns Valley Road, a few blocks West of the Browns Valley Market.
Usually in the morning hours to about noon.
Speed limit is posted at 35 and changes to 40 about a mile further down.
Pinewood Street near Scenic Drive
Just as you come over the crest of the hill on Pinewood Ave. You can count on a motorcycle cop waiting on either side of the hill and have you in their radar sites before you have a chance to slow to 25 as you are coming down the hill. I have seen them there at any given time of the day, but early morning and afternoon seem to be the most popular when the high school kids are coming and going to school.
Silverado Trail near USA Gas Station
The napa motorcycle cop just sits on his bike at the usa gas station just north of the soscol/silverado trail junction. He mostly gets you if you are going northbound.
US Highway 12 near Kirkland Winery
The CHP sits back up the hill a bit and tags cars that are heading into Napa from I-80.
Lincoln Avenue near RR tracks on Lincoln Ave
Motorcycle officer is on south side of street near the rail road tracks