Palm Desert, California Speed Traps
Route 74 between Haystack and El Peseo
Motorcycle cops await you in the morning for being a couple of hundred feet inside the MPH change.
Adams St. just north of Fred Waring Dr.
When traveling south the speed limit changes from 45 to 25 because of a small park as you approach the light at Fred Waring. The officer waits in the driveway of the new fire station for those rushing to make the double left turn and if you think it will stay yellow and it doesn’t it’s a $630.00 fine, and another for not having proof of current insurance.
Hwy 111 west of Monterey
Be careful when traveling west on Hwy. 111 Palm Desert P.D. hides in the Denny’s parking lot under the tree. You never see them until it is to late.
Fred Waring Dr, between El Dorado and Warner Trail.
A motorcycle officer hides with a radar gun at a construction entrance driveway on eastbound Fred Waring Dr. when Gerald Ford Elementary School is in session. He is rarely there during week ends, holidays and in the summer.
Park Center Dr and Springfield Lane (off Country Club Dr)
This is off Country Club behind The Patio Place. It’s an industrial area where the motorcycle cops hide in the parking lot and nails every car that turns right from Park Center onto Springfield. Why? Because NOBODY actually stops at the stop sign. He usually sets up before lunch gets about 6 – 10 cars and comes back the next day. To avoid a ticket in this area, come to a complete stop at the stop sign – no "California" stops here!