Saint Augustine, Florida Speed Traps

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SR 312 on eastside foot of the bridge

Saint Augustine, FloridaMar 01, 20020 Comments

A group of County cops, about 15 or so sit at the bottom of the bridge, An officer stands in the median with a radar gun and zaps ya coming over the bridge, then points you out to the anxiosly waiting cop to pull you over..

US-1 South 1/4 mile from Airport

Saint Augustine, FloridaFeb 01, 20000 Comments

St. Augustine Police cruiser. His name is Bob…nice guy (seriously!) Hides around the city gates. Ironicly,his quota is filled mostly by late employees trying to get to the County Courthouse. This one location can yield 175 tickets a month from just the morning shiFort 1 mph over can ruin your day! I don’t think Bob gets to use the laser (only one in St. Johns County…so far)

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