Tampa, Florida Speed Traps

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Crosstown Expressway – Off Ramp to Twiggs

Tampa, FloridaMay 07, 20130 Comments

In the final turn of the expressway, the speed limit suddenly drops from 65 to 40. As you come off the ramp, motorcycle cops hide on the corner of Twiggs and Meridian – behind signage, poles and tall shrubs – and hit you with a laser as you are decelerating.

Causeway Blvd between US 301 and US 41

Tampa, FloridaApr 18, 20130 Comments

Police cars are parked in various parking lots along the road.

Florida State Road 54, West of US Hwy 41

Tampa, FloridaApr 02, 20130 Comments

Multiple Florida State Highway Patrol cruisers augmented by Pasco County Sheriff cruisers and motorcycle units. My late model radar detector which is really good failed to signal. After, getting a speeding ticket, I looked for, but did not see a plane. I think it could be some speed trap new technology.

Between Oregon/St. Louis and Rome Street and Columbus

Tampa, FloridaMar 14, 20130 Comments

Heavy law enforcement traffic along this route, all Tampa Police Department. At least one or two units stationed near the vicinity of St. Louis and Rome. Apparently this is an ongoing traffic stop operation in an area of low income housing. Patrons of nearby Rick’s Restaurant and Bar along the Hillsborough river are advised to use alternative transportation to avoid possible DUI/DWI violations.

BayShore Blvd, Near Howard Ave

Tampa, FloridaJan 15, 20130 Comments

City officer posted on park bench with laser and laptop, with motorcycle cops positioned for both directions (second time in a week to have a trap in the same area).

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