Athens, Georgia Speed Traps
Exit 9 Peter St/Olympic Drive
Speed limit goes from 65 to 55. Motorcycle police out at least every other day.
Highway 441/29/129 Bypass Northeast
The bypass is normal 65 MPH has been reduced to 45 in a construction zone that is inadequately posted that begins over the top of the hill. Officers sit over crest just as the zone becomes visible. Fines begin at $385 for 5 MPH over!
HWY 29 SOUTH at Athens Christian Academy
In the afternoon as the sun is glaring in your eyes,look up high through some branches as you approach ACA going south on hwy 29 and you MIGHT see two overhead yellow blinking lights…or you might not since you’re being blinded by the sun from the same direction.The speed limit drops instantly from 55 to 45mph and the cops are hiding on the right.There is no blinking sign on the side of the road to warn you it’s a school zone but there is a rectangular yellow trail creek road crossing sign a few feet before the blinking signs to distract you.Their were 5 cops out there today with 4 cars pulled over at one time.School Zone tickets bring the county a lot of money.
Simonton Bridge Rd (changes from Whitehall Mill Rd in Clarke
You are leaving Athens, GA on lovely, leafy Whitehall Mill Rd. and as you are taken by the lovely scenery you pass over the Oconee River into Oconee County. Believe the speed limit is 45 or 50. As you round a blind hill AND blind curve the cops are sitting in the bushes to the right at the Watkinsville city limt sign where the speed limit drops immediately to 30mph. I’ve seen them there many times! Luckily I know the little town of Watkinsville is just around the corner but if you don’t you would have no inkling or warning…..
U.S. Hwy. 129 South Near Oak Grove Rd.
As you approach Athens heading South the speed limit goes from 55 to 45 near the county line Jackson/Clarke. A motorcycle cop sits on the right tagging you as you approach the first light. I have also seen car patrol pull people over just as the cross the county line South bound. This area is heavly patrolled!