Lawrenceville, Georgia Speed Traps
Sugarloaf Parkway and Hwy 29
End of the year push for Gwinnett County to give out tickets located at Sugarloaf Parkway and Hwy 29
sugarloaf parkway near new hope rd (any bridge really)
cops hide in the shadow of the the overpass and wait for you…you cannot see them until you are on them because of the shadow from the bridge overhead. This is the section of Sugarloaf between 316 and Grayson Hwy(20). Also look out for Drag Racing…it happens alot.
SR 316
Increased police presence, often waiting beneath bridges and side turns
Hwy 316 East and West bound & construction zone
If you are heading west on 316 they will sit under the overpasses in the shadows at night running laser especially under the 120 over pass right after the reduction of the speed limit signs. There is no actual construction going on in this area but they keep it marked as such because it is double the fines if caught speeding in a construction zone.
Check it out for yourself but do not speed because they will get you. No construction but marked as so. The construction is about two miles away. No need to consider this a construction zone yet.
Beneath bridges spanning 316 from the I-85 turn off to Hi Ho
Gwinnett County police cars maintain a strong presence along the above mentioned stretch. They will sit beneath the bridges with lights out in an effort to catch you. Two noticeable spots are 1) East Bound, immediately as you join 316 from 85 the speed drops from 65 to 55. If you don’t slow quickly enough you’re busted. Another favorite spot is the bridge at the Collins Hill exit. Upon passing the bridge the road works appear to end (This was after all the first section completed three (3) years ago. However, the road work sign is still up until Hi Hope Road (Beyond the “Jesus/Coming Soon sign). I was stopped at 2 a.m. on an empty road, clocked at 67 in what is deemed a 45 mph area. A plea deal arranged with a lawyer will likely cost me no less than a $600.00 fine. It is common knowledge; as other posts here suggest and further more, supported in the AJC report on Sunday, October 25, 2015 that local police are using the roadworks here as a way of gaining revenue (Gwinnet ranks in the top twenty of money making jurisdictions in Metro Atlanta) to fund expansive building works being undertaken. It is a pity that the police can alienate otherwise law-abiding citizens in such a fashion!