Hoffman Estates, Illinois Speed Traps

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On Huntington Blvd North of Algonquin.

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisApr 22, 20120 Comments

The Police car will park in the Gas Station at Ela & Huntington and shoot Radar North up Huntington. This is multiple times per month.

Hoffman Estates High School (Higgins and Gannon)

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisDec 16, 20110 Comments

There is often police lurking in the back parking lot of Hoffman Estates High School.

Golf Rd & Stonehedge Dr (Between Salem & Higgins)

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisSep 07, 20110 Comments

They are in a parking lot East of the Mercedes Dealership on Golf Rd, West of Shop N Save


Bartlett Road, south of I-90 between Shoefactory and Golf Rd

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisSep 09, 20100 Comments

Police often sit on the side of the road near the NW Mosquito Abatement building, sometimes ON the median. There is enough of a hill, or dip, going both ways, you won’t see them ’till it’s too late.

Golf Rd (Rte 58) W of Higgins, E of Gannon (White Castle)

Hoffman Estates, IllinoisAug 17, 20100 Comments

The speed limit on this fully improved, well lit 6 lane highway is artificially set at only 35 mph so when a sucker drives a comfortable (and safe) speed they get nailed, especially when there is no traffic after dark. As noted in other posts, landmarks include Higgins (Rte 72), Marathon (formerly Speedway), old city hall and Salem and Gannon Roads. This kind of greed (plus excessive sales tax, especially on food) makes me avoid Hoffman Estates businesses whenever I can.

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