Springfield, Illinois Speed Traps

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Corner of Yates Ave & J David Jones Pkwy

Springfield, IllinoisMay 25, 20180 Comments

Out of business dentist office, brick bldg on NW corner of intersection, one block before N Grand when traveling southbound on Jones Pkwy, when you’re coming into town from airport. Directly across from the cemetery, Springfield’s Finest !!

Work Zone north of Springfield near Sherman @ mile 108

Springfield, IllinoisJun 06, 20130 Comments

State Police routinely prowl this site, particularly in the busier hours. Recently been stopping drivers for speeding in a work zone (big expense) who were not speeding but caught up in merging traffic that may have a speeder. Unfortunately, their radar must not be reliably used to pick out a single vehicle when there are multiple vehicles in it’s all-encompassing beam (like when traffic merges in a work zone), so the trooper just picks out one of the "low-hanging fruit". Of course, you have little or no recourse to challenge their error.

I-72 entire stretch between Decatur and Springfield

Springfield, IllinoisDec 13, 20120 Comments

Undercover Officer in a non-typical undercover car. He sits at U turn points or just drives east or west with his radar on. It is the Mercury version of the Ford Crown Vic so it looks similar to an ‘unmarked’ but has different grill/wheels etc. It is light blue which makes it unexpected as typically unmarked are usualy black white or tan. I see him get people all the time.

Martin Luther King Drive

Springfield, IllinoisFeb 20, 20110 Comments

Behind Prayer Church at Martin Luther King Drive and Kansas Street. Police back up close to Church. The other is Parking lot of Plasent Grove Church.

West Iles in Jerome Township

Springfield, IllinoisMay 12, 20100 Comments

All along the whole road…Jerome Police monitor…Check seatbelts too.

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