Maurice, Louisiana Speed Traps

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Maurice Ave (Hwy 167)

Maurice, LouisianaNov 01, 20220 Comments

speed limit drops from 65 to 40 on Hwy 167 , right after you pass 40 mile per hour sign and police waiting right there

US Highway 167

Maurice, LouisianaOct 09, 20082 Comments

Exiting Maurice heading North on Hwy 167 towards Lafayette, the road splits to a divided highway. Right in the center sits an officer. They will ticket for even only two miles over. (At the cop’s location, the speed limit is 45.)

State Highway LA 167

Maurice, LouisianaFeb 21, 20061 Comments

The 2 Town Police Maurice has sits on this "STATE" highway and writes tickets when the speed limit changes from 65 MPH down to a solid 30 MPH in less then 1 mile coming from Lafayette. They sit in the middle of the road catching traffic coming and going.

US Highway 167

Maurice, LouisianaAug 09, 20050 Comments

The cops will park at the speed limit signs and bust you for a violation in the lower MPH zone.

State Highway 167 near State Highway 92

Maurice, LouisianaMay 10, 20050 Comments

Located in area from boundary of Vermilion Parish/Lafayette Parish going east to approximately Mr. Keet’s Restaurant; 40 mph zone.

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