Potomac, Maryland Speed Traps

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Cabin John Parkway

Potomac, MarylandJul 14, 20121 Comments

Speed trap at the parkway. Impossible to spot the cop before it is too late.

7Locks Rd,North of Bradley Blvd,South bound lane

Potomac, MarylandAug 13, 20100 Comments

You’re on 7 Locks Rd ,South of Democracy Blvd. You’re heading up the hill towards the Mater Dei School. It’s a 35Mph zone that turns to 25Mph at the school and they want everyone to slow down. The speed camera is to the right.

tuckerman lane east of post oak

Potomac, MarylandApr 19, 20100 Comments

speed cameras located on tuckerman heading west across from Hoover Middle School

Potomac Manors Dr & Chapel Rd

Potomac, MarylandApr 06, 20090 Comments

Cameras on left side of road coming from Potomac Village to Piney Meeting Road; maybe 1/4 mile pass Giant.

Oaklyn Dr & Potomac Station Ln

Potomac, MarylandApr 06, 20090 Comments

Directly across from Avenel Swim Club.

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