Oakland, Michigan Speed Traps

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northbound Adams road, just south of Gunn road

Oakland, MichiganOct 25, 20140 Comments

Oakland County sheriff hides in the 10′ tall phragmites just past the golf course restaurant. Very well hidden from both directions.

Adams, North of Gunn & South of Orion Roads

Oakland, MichiganMar 15, 20100 Comments

Oakland County Sheriff sits in the bus turnout southbound, at the top of the blind hill, AT NIGHT. There is little traffic after 7PM, either way, and it is an easy way to collect taxes.

Corner of Adams Rd. and Stoney Creek Rd.

Oakland, MichiganFeb 25, 20100 Comments

Adams ends at Stoney Creek Rd. going north. Cop sits on the southeast corner lot. (Oakland, MI near Lake Orion, MI)

Cooley Lake Road Street near Cass Elizabeth Lake Road Crossing

Oakland, MichiganMar 28, 20080 Comments

Township Police sets in Strip Mall Parking Lot watching for cars to run through red light.

Romeo Road near Rochester Road

Oakland, MichiganNov 04, 20070 Comments

Deputy sits in the Addison Oaks East parking lot. No posted speed limit but 60mph or less is recommended.

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