Minneapolis, Minnesota Speed Traps

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35W, Southbound Ramp, Just South of Lake St.

Minneapolis, MinnesotaMar 02, 20030 Comments

Comming over the small rise in the highway, patroll cars are masked by the overpass south of lake street. They sit at the end of the on-ramp. Over 10mph over the limit should get you pulled over. Peak times for them run from 11pm to 2am.

East Hennepin Ave west of state hwy 280

Minneapolis, MinnesotaDec 06, 20020 Comments

Local squad waits in the industrial area of East Hennepin on the westbound side. Comeing from the East you cross from the St Paul side of 280 where the limit is 45 to the Minneapolis side where the limit is 30, going down hill.
One of the sites in Minnesota with the most tickets issued per year.

hwy i 94 west by broadway exit

Minneapolis, MinnesotaMay 16, 20020 Comments

the cops sit under the bridge right by the broadway ave exit west on i 94 every sat and sunday morning or check by the downing exit to be carefull they are there every weekend people

Between Minneapolis and Grand Rapids on 169

Minneapolis, MinnesotaFeb 01, 20020 Comments

be careful!!! They awill be out at any time of day and in any kind of weather. they hid behind hills, trees, i have even seen them use a semi trailer for a block. They usually have between 2 and 25 cars depending on traffic thickness. i hope this helps people.

University of Minnesota

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJan 01, 20020 Comments

The University of Minnesota has its own police force. Not much happens on campus so they spend a lot of time on the main roads close to campus. One of their favorite tricks is to nail people for violating the no right on red signs. Watch your speed, especially on the Washington Ave and 10 Ave bridges and 4th St and University Ave’s. Finally, they love to write DUI’s you are taking you life in your own hands if you drink and drive on campus.

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