Minneapolis, Minnesota Speed Traps

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Broadway Bridge crossing the Mississippi

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJul 07, 20030 Comments

The bridge is a hill shape with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. Most people go at least 40 mph. Officers sit just beyond the train tracks at the end of the road with radar gun in hand.

I94 West North of 57th to 694 Junction

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJul 01, 20030 Comments

Mostly a weekend trap but on occasion I’ve seen a week long sting during rush hours. One officer sits atop a bridge with the radar and you don’t tend to see him. He radios to 4 or 5 squads sitting along side the road about a 1/4 mile up and they pick you out of the crowd. When everyone gets their catch, the officer on the bridge moves to the other side and they get people coming the other way. Generally speaking, you have to be doing 70 to get looked at since everyone seems to be doing at least 65 on that stretch.

I94 overpass bridge by Glenwood and Intl Market Square

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 26, 20030 Comments

Minneapolis police will hide under the bridges spanning from Olson Highway, MN-55 to Dunwoody to catch speeders on Lyndale south that parallels I-94. Very hard to see as they park in the mix with the other cars and clock you coming south. This is a 30 MPH zone but easy to get past 40 going downhill as you come to the light on Glenwood. You will not see the car until it’s too late and they are playing hardball. I cover this route every day and only a handfull of times have I not seen a squad squeezed in the parking lot. At the light you will have plenty of time to search out the squad as the parking pattern of other vehicles is very dynamic. It’s mostly MPLS traffic cars numbered in the 900’s but you will also see pct cars from 4th and downtown 100 squads. They are also in multiples when Dunwoody finishes classes and the students blow off steam.

Dowling And Penn Avenue North To 42nd Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 24, 20030 Comments

Police park next to the cemmatery fence right on the grass.

West Lake Street and Thomas Avenue

Minneapolis, MinnesotaJun 20, 20030 Comments

Be VERY careful on Lake Street right around Lake Calhoun and the Beach Club area. If you’re headed west, watch for the police who sit off to the right in a parking lot or side street just before the Beach Club. Speed limit there is 35 and if you’re over that you’re guaranteed a nice big ticket.

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