Lake Winnebago, Missouri Speed Traps

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State Highway 291

Lake Winnebago, MissouriJun 19, 20081 Comments

Anywhere inside the city limits on 291, approx 1.5 miles
Police sit along the side of the road in unmarked Ford Explorer or unmarked Dodge Charger

State Highway 291

Lake Winnebago, MissouriNov 15, 20051 Comments

Watch your speed anywhere in Lake Winnebago on 291. The main portin of Lake Winnebago is in a valley on the lake. If you don’t ride your brakes going down the hill, they will get you. I personally know two people who hae been issued citations for traveling one mile per hour over the posted speed limit. Another friend was issued a ticket for failing to dim his lights for the police car that was sitting on the shoulder with all his lights, including his running lights off. Be aware also that Lake Winnebago annexed a few miles of highway to the south of town. They like to sit on the shoulder there as well.

291 highway (north of 58 Highway & south of 150 highway) Northern Cass county

Lake Winnebago, MissouriOct 18, 20031 Comments

Lake Winnebago is "called" a city, but is really nothing more than a lake community/homes association with a tiny police force (about 4 policemen tops). They are located on 291 highway in northern cass county (right near the border). The Winnebago police sit on 291 highway (the highway that goes past the entrance to the lake) at all hours (most especially at night) , they also drive up & down the mile of highway (that is their territory) cruising for speeders. A favorite hiding spot of theirs is to sit around a bend of the highway that is right next to the lake (& just barely south of the lake entrance)& they catch people as they come around the bend from the south, also they can be seen to sit just north of the lake entrance in a driveway of a local residence, also they sit at the old 291 entrance trolling for speeders as well. Also they can be seen sitting on 163 street (south of the lake entrance) scanning 291 highway for speeders. Odds are they are only using radar as my radar detector detects being hit by their "instant on" pulses ….it seems that they only use the "Instant on" radar pulse technique….. I dont know if they have Lidar yet. It is possible, but doubtfull. The lake winnebago police force (if you could call it that) is WELL known by local residents as a speedtrap money-making machine for thier little comunity! Speed limit is 45 through their territory & they will enforce it unmercifully. I have lived just south of this Lake community all my life & routinely drive past it on a nightly basis (on the way to & from work). A favorite pastime of theirs late at night (when there is not much traffic) is to sit hidden, wait til a vehicle passes & then pull out behind , follow untill you near the limits of thier territory, looking for any reason to pull you over (you dont even have to be speeding!) , and pull you over. I have NEVER gotten a speeding ticket from Winnebago police (because i know of their unmercifull ,exploitive speedtrap policies), but I HAVE been followed & pulled over many many many MANY times… the reasons are always ones that cant be proven easily, like "You drove over the center line" etc. etc.. I only post this to warn others about their unfair & harrassing policies.

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