Canton, Ohio Speed Traps
On I-77S in front of the Hall of Fame on ramp
The speed limit drops from 65 to 55 at the Alliance/Fulton off ramps. A Canton City Police Department unit likes to sit directly in front of the Hall of fame, on the decline after the Alliance/Fulton exits. Mainly rush hour times they’ve been spotted. 5-7pm
Southway St. SE between Perry Road & Whipple Extension
Stick straight road through industrial area. Speed limit is 35 mph. Local Perry police, county sherriff and state police regularly work the road.
Fulton Road N.W. around Lake Cable
If driving west, beware of Jackson Twp. Police in this 35 mph area. Patrol car sits near Lake Cable Plaza in Lake Cable Clubhouse driveway. Also have seen patrol cars on south side of Fulton near Winking Lizard.
I-77 between 104 (US 30) & 113 (Shuffle Rd)
During the warm weather months, this area is occasionally patroled by motorcycle so he can sit anywhere. Spring of 2010 has also brought tactics of both county deputy cars and state patrol cars in this area just pulling off the side of the road, parallel to traffic, standing in their open door to aim a radar gun back into oncoming traffic.
walnut ave ne between 9th ne&3rd se
speed drops from 35 to 25 cops wait at the bottom of the hill with radar. only 1speed limit sign on a south bound 3 lane road.