Brampton, Ontario Speed Traps

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Airport Road south bound just north of Bovaird Drive

Brampton, OntarioJun 25, 20200 Comments

The police is parked on the bike path just south of the bridge between Sandalwood and Bovaird Drive.

Hwy 410 north and hwy 10

Brampton, OntarioMar 20, 20160 Comments

Traveling north on hwy 410 as it passes under hwy 10.

Definite speed trap here …. This is a 4 lane divided highway that drops to 80 kph while still on the divided hwy. Nobody expects that to happen. Cars typically zip by there at 100 kph … because nothing on the road has changed, there is no reason to expect the posted speed to change. Later on, a few miles, it does turn into a non divided highway, with posted speed of 80 kph.

This is a definite intentional trap … I drive that way quite a lot … no one is going 80 km there … I expect most people don’t even see the sign or simply think it’s the off ramp speed.

This is a shocking abuse on drivers … anybody and anybody will get caught here … while believing they are indeed driving the right legal speed.

This one is particular bad, because it’s that much easier to go over the 50kph limit. If you driving normally at 100-120 and have to pass a vehicle it’s quite easy for your speed to drift pass the 130kph mark for a brief period, until you coast down again.

That’s what happened to me .. Today

Weekend of March 19-20, 2016. From what I understand, the number of vehicles stopped for 50 over this weekend is well into double digits. In that particular spot.

Statistically, that indicates a problem. Borderline entrapment here, in my view.

All for enforcement and safety … but this is simply a cash grab, Absolutely no doubt there … Any day of the week, any time, everybody is driving 100-120 there … Obviously there is another issue here …. That is, the speed limit of 80kph is simply not expected by drivers for that area.

Nothing but a cash grab.

Highway 410 South of Mayfield Rd.

Brampton, OntarioNov 13, 20150 Comments

The 410 Southbound, South of Mayfield is an 80 kph zone until near Sandalwood. If you enter the 410 from Mayfield Rd. there is no signage to let you know this. The OPP wait on the roadside here.

Mississaga rd. South of williams parkway and just north of q

Brampton, OntarioJun 17, 20150 Comments

Its on lanes going south. They are hiding on the right side street just before the lights at queen.

Bovaird Dr between Ashby Field and Mississauga Rd

Brampton, OntarioAug 14, 20140 Comments

There is a stretch of the road under construction. Regular speed limit is 70 km/hr, however through the construction zone the speed limit drops to 50 km/hr. The police sit on the west end of the construction zone ready to catch you.

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