Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps
Main Street Bridge (Where Smyth turns into Main St.)
If going from Smyth toward Main St. the bridge bends right into Main Street. Cops setup a radar? laser? tripod on the road before Riverdale with 2-3 motorbikes aimed at the turn! If going from Main St. to Smyth cops are simarly set-up on the sideroad before the bridge with a tripod aimed at the hill you crest over by the embassy. In both cases you can’t see the cops before it’s too late, and they will pull you over if you are going anything more than 65km/h. I drive past the area everyday for the last 5 years and see cops there at least once a month.
Innes Road
On Innes Road going west in coming from Orleans towards Gloucester/Pineview. There is a light in the middle of no where(the one right before the Prison on Innes) limit is 80km/h but most people cruse at 100km/h. and 1 in 6 people is flying at 120km/h… they set up on the right hand side right at the light, and you can’t see them till your there. they also have flat bed tow trucks waiting as well.
Riverside Dr. Southbound at Kimberwick Cres. (across from Cognos)
On tripod beside hydro pole. Not sure if Laser of Radar
Carling Ave, west of Bayshore, near Andrew Haydon Park
Officers set up laser on tripod, hidden in a side residential street, and other officers on motorcycles ready to chase. This stretch of road is posted at 60km/h but everyone does at least 80km/h. It is wide, good sight lines and smooth. W/B Trap at AM rush hour catching people going to work in Kanata, and E/B at PM rush hour for people going home. At least a couple of co-workers have been nailed in different times.
416 Northbound at Hunt Club Rd.
Black unmarked car sitting under the Hunt Club bridge, on the left side of the highway. Letting people go by at 120kph (clear day).