Ottawa, Ontario Speed Traps

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3299 Riverside Dr.

Ottawa, OntarioMay 31, 20030 Comments

An officer will stand at the crest of the small hill with a radar gun and nail cars travelling west and flag them down manually with an officer waiting at the corner in a vehicle in case the motorist does not "see" the on foot cop.

Montreal rd by the cemetary

Ottawa, OntarioApr 07, 20030 Comments

Parked in the church parking lot next to the cemetary, there is at least 2 cops there almost every night. watch your speed anytime after 8:00pm, or when it get’s dark.

Aviation Parkway, between Ogilvie rd and Montreal rd

Ottawa, OntarioApr 07, 20030 Comments

Right at the Cite Collegiale entrance, in the middle island, on Aviation prkwy they hide under the big pine trees and nab you there… Watch out, they’ve been there for years.. suprised nowhone else posted this one..

Aviation Parkway overpass between Montreal Rd and Jeanne d

Ottawa, OntarioMar 13, 20030 Comments

Cops either use radar while parked underneath, or use a laser from on top of bridge and another cop gets you as you go by.

Highway 416 between Bankfield and Fallowfield

Ottawa, OntarioNov 22, 20020 Comments

Median 1 km s. of Fallowfield (just north of section with all the concrete dividers). Both S/B and N/B. Usually silver Impala with smoked windows and spoiler, occasionally black Crown Vic stealth car. Seen at various times of day/night. Also, median further south towards the Car Canada dealership. Will set up laser outside the car and snag you as you crest a small rise (going S/B).

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