Thunder Bay, Ontario Speed Traps
Arthur Street west of Canadian Tire
Illegal speed trap, the 50km sign is actually illegally posted. It is on a power and light pole over 15 feet away from the side of the road, in book 3 of the Ministry of Transportation, it clearly states where posted signs must be.
Cops don’t care, and the courts are rigged against you if you take it to court.
Oliver Road across from Lakehead University
A police officer with handheld radar stands close to the roadway in an area where parking is accessible and signals all speeders to pull in while another officer tickets them. This has proved most profitable for our local police…as this is a four lane roadway with a speed limit of 50km.
Hwy 11/17 on the new bridge
Police with radars stand on top of the new bridge replacing the intersection monitoring traffic coming from the highway.
Broadway Ave. near Arena
Ghost car parked in parking lot facing the ave.
The Bus Loading Zone Of Westmount School
The Speed Trap is in the Bus Loading Zone of Westmount School on Corner of Begin St and Edward St. This Speed Trap Catches Alot of People between the Months from September to June in the School Year due to children.